Sunday, December 14, 2008

Exactly What Is Google Adsense And How Are People Earning Money With It? Exactly What Is Google Adsense And How Are People Earning Money With It?

Most of the Internet marketing community is at least somewhat familiar with earning money through Google Adsense at this point. It is worth spending some time mastering Google Adsense for earning money, as Adsense can be financially lucrative.

Small contextual ads published on web sites with the consent of the web site owner is Google Adsense. The ads are created by publishers that are selling products and/or creating brand awareness. The ads that are created are called Adwords which is a Google sponsored program.

Google Adwords and Adsense run hand in hand. After doing a search on Google or one of their partner networks, if the user clicks on an ad then the person who created that ad pays Google a certain amount. This is described as "pay per click".

When Google receives money from the creator or publisher of the ad, they have to split the amount with the person who owns oil gas exploration the web site that the Adwords ads appear and that is the beauty of Adsense. It is a well guarded secret what the percentage of the split is, and it does vary, but for our purposes let's say it's 50%.

If the ad creator is fine to pay .40 per click for his Adwords ad, then the website host who has joined the Adsense scheme can expect to receive .20 when the ad is clicked. The 50% that is left will be kept by Google. So basically it is a partnership of sorts between Google and web site owners.

Adsense is shown in the most appropriate manner possible. What does this indicate? Well, let me give an example that probably illustrates it best. Let's say a website owned by Mary women's clothing. Google Adsense once Mary decides to monetize her web site can help her to show ads on her web site that would be related to clothing or to be more specific, women's clothing. In her web site if shoes are dedicated to a particular page, then on that page there would be Adsense ads appearing for women's shoes.

So the price per click is determined by what? This is where the Adwords side of the equation kicks in. Publishers who create Adwords bid on keywords. publisher will be willing to pay more for each click if the keyword is more lucrative or sought after. Keywords can be as high as $50 and above per click or as low as a few cents per click.

By putting Google Adsense on their web site, it wouldn't be a wonder to see them making some nice money if the web site they own generates some decent traffic. Web sites with specific content are created by most Internet marketers with the sole purpose of attracting high paying Adsense ads. 

1 comment:

Blogger said...

If you're looking for an excellent contextual advertising company, I recommend you take a peek at Propeller Ads.